Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Final Post

                Technology, me, and the workforce:

      So far this year, Tech Industry jobs grew by 207,000 positions, according to BLS data. I believe that I spend enough time on my device. When I start job searching I want to be up to date with the tech industry positions due to technology and my future. I believe that my relationship with technology is healthy due to the fact that the workforce is slowly leaning towards more technology and therefor, I must be aware of all the new trends, and tech thats being invited. 

            School, me, and technology:  

              Two-thirds of teachers say 65% they use digital learning tools to teach every day; 22% use them a few days a week, and 13% of kids use technology once or less per week. The usage of technology in school is the result of my use and knowledge of technology outside of class.


       Netflix, Media, Trends, my overall thoughts:
               I watch Netflix shows, and TikTok trends almost every day and for me, these two apps are  the best streaming services and media apps out there since it gets people interested with trends, and new songs. 

                    There were many trends through out the year 2022: 


The trend started in early June when groups of  

friends saw the movie “Minions: The Rise of Gru” 

in theaters  — typically high school students show up 

to the theater in coats or full-length suits. This led 

to people posting about this on Tik Tok and this started

the trend of #GentleMinions


 It all started when 22-year-old dancer Jaeden             

Gomez created a routine related to the songs second 

voice and posted it on Tik Tok. A few days later, 

the Yitty founder  executed the moves in a video, 

writing "Love this dance tbh" and giving Gomez a

shoutout as the original creator.

 On June 10, the account schmoyoho posted a remix of 

 the audio to double as an “alarm."The clip has more 

 than 16 million views, and the audio has been used

 in more than 45,000 times on TikTok" Based off stranger things.

  This trend gives the audience to show off there gothic look based 
 around the character Wednesday The Adams Family 
which was released in November on Netflix 


       As a result, no matter how bad AI technology, and online censorship gets, there will always be those yearly trends that people love to do. 

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Blog 9

 Social Credit Score's goal is to monitor, rate, and regulate the financial, social, moral, and possibly the political behavior of China's citizens through the eyes of Social Credit Score. Its aim is to provide trustworthy people to gain benefits and those who are not trustworthy would be untrustworthy towards China. Its credit scale in China is a 350 to 950 based range from 350 being the worst and 950 being the best the 700 range is what most people and companies are pleased with in day to day life. Social Credit score is mainly shown as a way in which you can control a society by knowing everything about it. This is a bad thing for most people in China since privacy is a huge problem. 

In order to be a good communist citizen of China there are specific ways you can boost up your social credit score to be in a good place in China. For instance you can engage in Charity work, take care of the poor, and help out the old people in your community. As a result, this type of work will allow the government to know you are a trustworthy citizen of China and will be allowed to go to specific places, and attend gatherings. On the other hand, there are ways you can boost up your civilian score in China.

To be a good citizen of China you can boost up your social credit score to gain specific benefits. On the other hand there are things someone can do to lose benefits and lower your score. Lowering your score can be a result of Traffic Offenses which means jaywalking, protesting against authorities and posting anti government messages on social media.  Losing score and gaining score in china can lead to both positive and negative benefits in your life as a Chinese citezen. Facial recognition in China as well as AI is a huge contributor as well can contribute to your benefits as you lose and gain points in credit.

By doing good deeds to doing bad deeds there are positives and negatives. By doing good deeds you may receive specific benefits like Priority to school admissions and employment, easier access to cash loans and consumer credit Tax breaks. However doing bad deeds can lead to public shaming, exposure either online or on screens, denial of licenses permits and access to social media. This will result in being an untrustworthy citizen of China and will make companies not have trust in you since you have done events in your life and people will question your citizenship in China and if you are truly a citizen. 

Since mostly everyone is a good citizen in China you will have to do good deeds in order to receive benefits which will help you in life. However, there are some people that can do bad deeds and lead to being untrustworthy citizens. In general China doesn't seem like the best place to live since you are constantly stalked and looked at for what you do, wear, and even marry. This will result making you doing things you don't even want, hence China being a communist party.

Blog 10

 The age of AI is changing daily. From new technology helping us solve games, to simple tasks like helping us solve a mathematical question by using the internet we must think like a person who is invested in a company using AI on a day to day basis. For instance we may use this video “In the age of AI which shows us how important, or unimportant, AI truly is to the world.

Deep Learning mimics the human brain. AI can studie games humans play then comes up with new ways and moves to solve problems that humans never thought of playing before.

AI is a substitution for capital and labor. We are putting our scale on the side of capital when it comes to our society. It is an outgrowth of increasing gaps, poor getting poorer, wealthy getting more wealthy, the rich will have too. AI will make all of this worse.

Companies are using information to tell stories of us to others and collect that data for future reference which can connect to Data Mining. China is in the process of sharing resources of all kinds.

On the other hand, AI is here to help us so we can do things we love, this means AI is the ultimate tool of an objective function where you can make more money and spend more time with family. We have to recognize that technology has a place in our lives, we developed a trust in FaceBook and Google. We must be careful in what you post however, but we can't deny that AI has helped us in many ways. The world will get adapted to you without yourself getting adapted to AI. We are in charge of what we do and see and look at every day.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Blog 11

 While presenting there was a presentation that really stood out to me other than mine which was Social Credit Score. Machine Learning is how a computer system develops its intelligence, it uses software to think like humans and perform tasks without the help of humans. It uses algorithms and models to expand on its intellectual understanding of data. Self driving cars like tesla is a example of machine learning.

There is a process that teslas and other machine learning inventions use. For instance the step by step process includes Identifying relevant data sets and preparing them for analysis. After that it chooses the type of machine learning algorithm to use, then it Builds an analytical model based on the chosen algorithm which later trains the model on test data sets, revising it as needed. Finally it can tuns the model to generate scores and other findings.

Tesla can use this process every time. Due to Teslas being so technologically advanced it can determine your surroundings and learn specific locations the car goes to which will help the car in turns, parking, and driving whenever you use it it gets better with practice. 

In the beginning of machine learning Arther Samual used machine learning in the 1950’s in a game of checkers. This was called Alpha-Beta- Pruning. This included a scoring system based on the positions of the pieces. 

In 1957 Frank Rosenblatt created the Perceptron as a machine not a program but it ended up being the first program to be able to use image recognition.

Nearest Neighbor Algorithm created in 1967 by Marcello Pelillo. It was the basic pattern recognition, used for mapping routes and was the earliest algorithm to help the traveling salesperson find the most efficient route.

Multilayers provided the next step and opened a new path in neural network research. This was done in the late 1960’s. 

While machine learning is still a new technology being produced. We must be careful with it and how we use it. If we use it in good ways like saving pollution issues then that is great, if we use it in bad ways like less jobs available that is not okay. In the end the world is leaning towards more of a technological machine learning world which is great since it will help us solve problems faster and even give us more time with our families. 

Blog 8

 Video One: 

How do these issues affect you?

As I was watching the first video the idea of Electronic Tattoos came to life. Greeks were the beginning of this idea since they discussed the idea of immortality which then resulted in the connection to Big Data, and tattoos. Tattoos share a lot of meaning like Beauty, Intriguing, Allegiance, and Mistakes. They tell a lot of stories. These can connect to electronic tattoos since what we post will be on the internet and social media for immortality or forever. This idea affected me by the thought of being careful in what you post. Think before you take action, look over the post, do not post something that you will regret.  

What should the government be doing about these issues?

These issues should not really get the government involved. However, if you post threatening messages about the US or president they can get involved. 

What can we do to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy?

 To protect us from invasion of privacy we should watch what we say before we hit that post button. 

Video 2: 

How do these issues affect you? 

Police Shootings advanced military weapons are making their way to small towns. Same thing is happening with surveillance equipment, location information, license plate readers and cameras to recognize your face. These issues affect me since they will see where I go on a day to day basis and have a record of what type of individual I am.

What should the government be doing about these issues?

Change the use of these cameras to people who have a bad record to our society.

What can we do to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy?

Protest against these inventions and say how its violating our privacy. 

Video 3: 

How do these issues affect you?

Wiretapping is a huge issue since you don't know who is listening to us on the phones. This can be a bad thing since what we say may not be so private since nothing is secure these days.  

What should the government be doing about these issues?

Make phones secure and more private to civilians 

What can we do to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy?

Download various apps to help us protect our rights. 

How do these issues affect you?

In this video the idea of pornography is shown. However it is shown from a story of a woman whose photos have been posted on the internet. This issue affects many of us since we must be careful what we share and post on the internet, specifically sharing photos of ourselves naked. For instance one of the Kardasians had there noods leaked and everyone knows her for that. 

What should the government be doing about these issues?

The government should ban all porn and if you are caught with it you should go to jail since it is inhumane and disgusting. 

What can we do to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy?

Not share photos of us naked to other people. This will allow us to not share inappropriate photos. 

Blog 7

 Early adopters is an expression in which a person uses a specific device early on before everyone else. For instance there are people in this world who are obsessed with new technology that comes out yearly. Due to this, those people may stay in line overnight before a new release. As an illustration, Apple users who are early adopters may contribute to the release of the new Iphone every year. A person who you may know is a YouTuber called Ijustine Ijustine who is a 38 year old influencer on YouTube makes reviews of new Apple products yearly when they come out. She is also invited to Apple's headquarters in Cupertino California for the releases. 

Due to influencers and reviewers, people will become late adaptors. Since they will become late adaptors people would rather wait to hear how the device is before making that big product purchase. Iphones started out being this great brand new invention in 200, however there can be downsides to Apple's new inventions. Samsung, and Microsoft are big competitors to Apple. These companies have come out with very similar inventions since the release of the Iphone. Google phones have also been a new release in the past few years. Conflict has risen to phone users and there have been reviews on news articles, and YouTube reviews, as to which phone is better. As a result this may impact Apples stock and product purchases.

YouTuber Marques Brownlee doesn't just review Apple products like Ijustine he also reviews other products. Articles like Iphone 14 vs. Samsung Galaxy S22 and reviews like Marques can put a huge impact on Apple phones and even other products out there. Being a YouTubher is a choice, Marques and Ijustince chose to do this life for us. I do not think there is a huge downfall and positive to that. They want to help us by reviewing a product before a purchase. Social media like TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook would help us share our opinion to the world about new technological advances like the Iphone or even new video game release in a short post on social media. On the other hand, they are saying whats bad about this product as well as what is good, which may influence our thoughts about that product.

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Blog 6

 While watching other people's posts I thought about which technology connected to my technology the most. My opener to my presentations was the radio. I could have discussed the radio in my post much more. On the other hand someone else did it so I just decided to mention how it started cassette tapes and walkmans.This turned out to be the technology I learned due to my technology. The presentation had its history, as well as positive and negative impacts


The first idea of radio was invented by Guglielmo Marconi in the 1890’s. The first version was called the wireless telegraph.  

In 1895 he was able to send messages through Morse Code. The purpose of the invention was to transmit signals and messages to the navy overseas without the need for a physical messenger

By 1914, alternators that could sustain a consistent broadcast wave powerful enough to transmit voices and music over the radio were invented.

In 1919, Marconi’s resources were sold to the RCA, which spawned NBC Radio, leading to talk shows and other entertainment programs to be broadcasted

In 1920 the Golden Age of radio was developed and soon enough radios were a must-have in every home in America. On November 2, 1920, station KDKA made the nation's first commercial broadcast. They chose that date because it was election day. The power of radio was proven when people could hear the results of the Harding-Cox presidential race before they read about it in the newspaper. 



Radio gave Americans the ability to receive news of the war more quickly, rather than having to wait for the paper. Presidential elections, speeches by world leaders, and nationwide protests were transmitted from these radios into the comfort of American homes. This allowed for less crowds in the streets bending their ears for assembly or masses gathering to protest when people discovered they could get their message across without having to move. This solved the problem of having to wait between hours and weeks to receive news. Chevrolet was the first car company to install radios in motor-vehicles


Critics claim that radio killed patriotism and real participation in assemblies & protests where physical bodies are seen in the streets fighting. Another argument states that relying on radio is just a passing fad that will kill the nation’s honesty through writing- fake news and unwanted opinions were now freely flowing through the networks. Live entertainment was also declining and slowly so were newspapers. Overtime, science proved health issues connected to radio wave exposure. While some disliked modern radio, others were haters from the start.

If not for radios, cassette tapes, walkmans, we would have never had Iphones. Due to these inventors Steve Jobs would have never gotten the ideas of the Ipod which plays thousands of songs we enjoy today. Spotify would've never been a thing, neither would facebook, instagram, and Tik Tok. The radio really started the technological industrial revolution. In my opinion I use technology on a daily basis so listening to the radio does not matter to me much since car play is a thing now.