Thursday, October 6, 2022

Blog 10

 The age of AI is changing daily. From new technology helping us solve games, to simple tasks like helping us solve a mathematical question by using the internet we must think like a person who is invested in a company using AI on a day to day basis. For instance we may use this video “In the age of AI which shows us how important, or unimportant, AI truly is to the world.

Deep Learning mimics the human brain. AI can studie games humans play then comes up with new ways and moves to solve problems that humans never thought of playing before.

AI is a substitution for capital and labor. We are putting our scale on the side of capital when it comes to our society. It is an outgrowth of increasing gaps, poor getting poorer, wealthy getting more wealthy, the rich will have too. AI will make all of this worse.

Companies are using information to tell stories of us to others and collect that data for future reference which can connect to Data Mining. China is in the process of sharing resources of all kinds.

On the other hand, AI is here to help us so we can do things we love, this means AI is the ultimate tool of an objective function where you can make more money and spend more time with family. We have to recognize that technology has a place in our lives, we developed a trust in FaceBook and Google. We must be careful in what you post however, but we can't deny that AI has helped us in many ways. The world will get adapted to you without yourself getting adapted to AI. We are in charge of what we do and see and look at every day.

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