Sunday, October 2, 2022

Blog 8

 Video One: 

How do these issues affect you?

As I was watching the first video the idea of Electronic Tattoos came to life. Greeks were the beginning of this idea since they discussed the idea of immortality which then resulted in the connection to Big Data, and tattoos. Tattoos share a lot of meaning like Beauty, Intriguing, Allegiance, and Mistakes. They tell a lot of stories. These can connect to electronic tattoos since what we post will be on the internet and social media for immortality or forever. This idea affected me by the thought of being careful in what you post. Think before you take action, look over the post, do not post something that you will regret.  

What should the government be doing about these issues?

These issues should not really get the government involved. However, if you post threatening messages about the US or president they can get involved. 

What can we do to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy?

 To protect us from invasion of privacy we should watch what we say before we hit that post button. 

Video 2: 

How do these issues affect you? 

Police Shootings advanced military weapons are making their way to small towns. Same thing is happening with surveillance equipment, location information, license plate readers and cameras to recognize your face. These issues affect me since they will see where I go on a day to day basis and have a record of what type of individual I am.

What should the government be doing about these issues?

Change the use of these cameras to people who have a bad record to our society.

What can we do to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy?

Protest against these inventions and say how its violating our privacy. 

Video 3: 

How do these issues affect you?

Wiretapping is a huge issue since you don't know who is listening to us on the phones. This can be a bad thing since what we say may not be so private since nothing is secure these days.  

What should the government be doing about these issues?

Make phones secure and more private to civilians 

What can we do to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy?

Download various apps to help us protect our rights. 

How do these issues affect you?

In this video the idea of pornography is shown. However it is shown from a story of a woman whose photos have been posted on the internet. This issue affects many of us since we must be careful what we share and post on the internet, specifically sharing photos of ourselves naked. For instance one of the Kardasians had there noods leaked and everyone knows her for that. 

What should the government be doing about these issues?

The government should ban all porn and if you are caught with it you should go to jail since it is inhumane and disgusting. 

What can we do to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy?

Not share photos of us naked to other people. This will allow us to not share inappropriate photos. 

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