Saturday, September 24, 2022

Blog 6

 While watching other people's posts I thought about which technology connected to my technology the most. My opener to my presentations was the radio. I could have discussed the radio in my post much more. On the other hand someone else did it so I just decided to mention how it started cassette tapes and walkmans.This turned out to be the technology I learned due to my technology. The presentation had its history, as well as positive and negative impacts


The first idea of radio was invented by Guglielmo Marconi in the 1890’s. The first version was called the wireless telegraph.  

In 1895 he was able to send messages through Morse Code. The purpose of the invention was to transmit signals and messages to the navy overseas without the need for a physical messenger

By 1914, alternators that could sustain a consistent broadcast wave powerful enough to transmit voices and music over the radio were invented.

In 1919, Marconi’s resources were sold to the RCA, which spawned NBC Radio, leading to talk shows and other entertainment programs to be broadcasted

In 1920 the Golden Age of radio was developed and soon enough radios were a must-have in every home in America. On November 2, 1920, station KDKA made the nation's first commercial broadcast. They chose that date because it was election day. The power of radio was proven when people could hear the results of the Harding-Cox presidential race before they read about it in the newspaper. 



Radio gave Americans the ability to receive news of the war more quickly, rather than having to wait for the paper. Presidential elections, speeches by world leaders, and nationwide protests were transmitted from these radios into the comfort of American homes. This allowed for less crowds in the streets bending their ears for assembly or masses gathering to protest when people discovered they could get their message across without having to move. This solved the problem of having to wait between hours and weeks to receive news. Chevrolet was the first car company to install radios in motor-vehicles


Critics claim that radio killed patriotism and real participation in assemblies & protests where physical bodies are seen in the streets fighting. Another argument states that relying on radio is just a passing fad that will kill the nation’s honesty through writing- fake news and unwanted opinions were now freely flowing through the networks. Live entertainment was also declining and slowly so were newspapers. Overtime, science proved health issues connected to radio wave exposure. While some disliked modern radio, others were haters from the start.

If not for radios, cassette tapes, walkmans, we would have never had Iphones. Due to these inventors Steve Jobs would have never gotten the ideas of the Ipod which plays thousands of songs we enjoy today. Spotify would've never been a thing, neither would facebook, instagram, and Tik Tok. The radio really started the technological industrial revolution. In my opinion I use technology on a daily basis so listening to the radio does not matter to me much since car play is a thing now. 


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