Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Final Post

                Technology, me, and the workforce:

      So far this year, Tech Industry jobs grew by 207,000 positions, according to BLS data. I believe that I spend enough time on my device. When I start job searching I want to be up to date with the tech industry positions due to technology and my future. I believe that my relationship with technology is healthy due to the fact that the workforce is slowly leaning towards more technology and therefor, I must be aware of all the new trends, and tech thats being invited. 

            School, me, and technology:  

              Two-thirds of teachers say 65% they use digital learning tools to teach every day; 22% use them a few days a week, and 13% of kids use technology once or less per week. The usage of technology in school is the result of my use and knowledge of technology outside of class.


       Netflix, Media, Trends, my overall thoughts:
               I watch Netflix shows, and TikTok trends almost every day and for me, these two apps are  the best streaming services and media apps out there since it gets people interested with trends, and new songs. 

                    There were many trends through out the year 2022: 


The trend started in early June when groups of  

friends saw the movie “Minions: The Rise of Gru” 

in theaters  — typically high school students show up 

to the theater in coats or full-length suits. This led 

to people posting about this on Tik Tok and this started

the trend of #GentleMinions


 It all started when 22-year-old dancer Jaeden             

Gomez created a routine related to the songs second 

voice and posted it on Tik Tok. A few days later, 

the Yitty founder  executed the moves in a video, 

writing "Love this dance tbh" and giving Gomez a

shoutout as the original creator.

 On June 10, the account schmoyoho posted a remix of 

 the audio to double as an “alarm."The clip has more 

 than 16 million views, and the audio has been used

 in more than 45,000 times on TikTok" Based off stranger things.

  This trend gives the audience to show off there gothic look based 
 around the character Wednesday The Adams Family 
which was released in November on Netflix 


       As a result, no matter how bad AI technology, and online censorship gets, there will always be those yearly trends that people love to do. 

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