Thursday, October 6, 2022

Blog 9

 Social Credit Score's goal is to monitor, rate, and regulate the financial, social, moral, and possibly the political behavior of China's citizens through the eyes of Social Credit Score. Its aim is to provide trustworthy people to gain benefits and those who are not trustworthy would be untrustworthy towards China. Its credit scale in China is a 350 to 950 based range from 350 being the worst and 950 being the best the 700 range is what most people and companies are pleased with in day to day life. Social Credit score is mainly shown as a way in which you can control a society by knowing everything about it. This is a bad thing for most people in China since privacy is a huge problem. 

In order to be a good communist citizen of China there are specific ways you can boost up your social credit score to be in a good place in China. For instance you can engage in Charity work, take care of the poor, and help out the old people in your community. As a result, this type of work will allow the government to know you are a trustworthy citizen of China and will be allowed to go to specific places, and attend gatherings. On the other hand, there are ways you can boost up your civilian score in China.

To be a good citizen of China you can boost up your social credit score to gain specific benefits. On the other hand there are things someone can do to lose benefits and lower your score. Lowering your score can be a result of Traffic Offenses which means jaywalking, protesting against authorities and posting anti government messages on social media.  Losing score and gaining score in china can lead to both positive and negative benefits in your life as a Chinese citezen. Facial recognition in China as well as AI is a huge contributor as well can contribute to your benefits as you lose and gain points in credit.

By doing good deeds to doing bad deeds there are positives and negatives. By doing good deeds you may receive specific benefits like Priority to school admissions and employment, easier access to cash loans and consumer credit Tax breaks. However doing bad deeds can lead to public shaming, exposure either online or on screens, denial of licenses permits and access to social media. This will result in being an untrustworthy citizen of China and will make companies not have trust in you since you have done events in your life and people will question your citizenship in China and if you are truly a citizen. 

Since mostly everyone is a good citizen in China you will have to do good deeds in order to receive benefits which will help you in life. However, there are some people that can do bad deeds and lead to being untrustworthy citizens. In general China doesn't seem like the best place to live since you are constantly stalked and looked at for what you do, wear, and even marry. This will result making you doing things you don't even want, hence China being a communist party.

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