Saturday, September 24, 2022

Blog post 5

 While looking at ANTIWAR.COM and the AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE websites I have noticed that these websites give strong examples of anti war. The websites show people the true side of anti war that regular news websites don't show us. 

While looking at the ANTIWAR.COM website I noticed specific articles that regular news would not talk about. For instance it talks a lot about Ukraine, secret documents, china, and live reports from places being in severe trouble .

Cnn or Fox would not talk about secret documents or live video reporting from Kyiv. In the ANTIWAR.COM site it mentions this. I found this very surprising since this article looks very sketchy when you look at this website. However, it does tell the truth and that is a good thing, but some may not agree with that. 

AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE website also shows ANTIWAR voices that you may not see every day in regular news websites. Examples from this website that you have probably never though you will see on the website can be shown. Some of that includes articles not even related to war. Like the article “  Trans Mega-Ta-Tas in Clown World Canada”

Regular news would never post this harsh topic to many people since Gay rights are connected to our first amendment rights freedom of speech. Since we have have gay rights, some people may have there own opinion and want to talk about which is okay. On the other hand they should do it in a peaceful manor and talk about what they think should happen and give evidence to what the best solution is. This also connects to war thoughts and what should be said about war . On this website we can see many peoples' opinions on war.

I found this article interesting since it was recent. It discusses “Things worth getting mad about” 

It talks a great ideal about Twitter rants and how everything is like Jan 6 but not physically doing the riots.

From war thoughts, to gay rights, to the January 6 movement, I can conclude that these websites express the feelings of people and how they actually feel. News websites would never discuss these opinions openingly, they would it in a very mature way with political people. NEVER posting about twitter posts about these events or peoples opinions. 

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