Saturday, September 24, 2022

Blog post 4

Cassette tapes and walkmans were the beginning of the music industry after the Radio came out in the 1920’s. Due to the radio, people wanted a way to listen to music in a way where they can press play and pause. First, the cassette tape recorder was invented. This was a way for people to record and play music on a blank cassette tape. However, this was only the beginning since people wanted more than just play and pause at home, people wanted the walkmans as well. Lou Ottens was the inventor of the Cassette Tapes along with his team at the Dutch Company  Philips in 1963. 

First cassette tape recorder was invented by Ottens and his team the EL 3300 started the revolution of recording and playing music on a portable device. 

Philip Hasselt started working on plans to develop a portable cassette recorders while on a business trip

 In the 1950’s Later Lou Ottens, who was a member of the Philips Audio company, started the design of the cassette by cutting a block of wood to fit into his jacket pocket. 

In 1963, Philips Hasselt decided to publicly introduce the cassette system at IFA Berlin.

After this convention there was both negative and positive interest about the cassette tape recorder. For example, it did not spread throughout the world immediately. It did however, make Lou Ottens invent the compact cassette tapes later on. Due to the convention, Lou Ottens received photos from Berlin which is how he got his ideas of the cassette tapes.  

Sony cofounder Masaru Ibuka created the idea of the bulky TC-D5 cassette recorder to listen to music while traveling for business.  

Executive deputy president Norio Ohga was asked to design a playback-only stereo version optimized for headphone use

From radio in the 1920’s that discusses war and plays low quality music, to cassettes, to walkmans, to Steve Jobs who invented the Iphone and computer that plays millions of songs any time you want. The world is changing constantly. All these people, who made these inventions only want to help us to complete tasks easier with the things we do most with technology. Create those inventions, make those industrial changes, THESE GUYS DID IT AND SO CAN YOU! 

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