Saturday, September 10, 2022

Blog 3

                        Freedom of Speech: 

 In media law and literacy we have talked a lot about the emergence and evolution of the First Amendment which includes freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of your own religion, freedom of press and your expression of speech and petition. We then discussed what Jefferson, Madison and the other founders thought about the importance of freedom of speech, press, etc. For example, they thought that speech was important to add in your freedom due to the fact that speech makes you talk about what you believe in and what you will be free with while speaking that thought. Then we discussed how those ideas finally started to take shape with theories like the Marketplace of Ideas in 1919. When discussing these issues and cases in class I was a bit hesitant at first knowing that politics is a bit scary to talk about with a bunch of christian students in the south, “coming from a jewish person, politics is usually brought up a lot” however, freedom of speech in this class is definitely allowed since we are allowed to discuss how we feel in the class politically which is surprising. For example I found this article interesting due to the fact that a professor is promoting freedom of speech by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression. Paragraphs I found fascinating relating to this class is: 

He discusses the change in the way the government is valued on social media, he thinks this generation is not well educated and practiced, yes that is true but it's also not true. I think students can learn a lot from technology, just by searching the web. By reading this article I learned that freedom of speech is super important therefore and the most important Eight values of Speech theory is to protect Dissent.

Protect Dissent is The First Amendment protecting minority views (also the most important one), no matter how unpopular. You have a strongly protected right to disagree with the government — and everyone else. In fact, it is your patriotic duty to criticize the government. As a illustration a news source I found interesting in our world today that is I found this article interesting because of this quote “Khan, who is seeking a return to power and is facing charges of threatening police and a judge, attacked the military so bluntly and raised questions about the credentials of top generals” You must not threaten the government or military in my opinion, if you do this you will easily get in trouble and be arrest. The outcome of this article is 

Overall these examples show great expression in freedom of speech and Protect Dissent. In class I think discussing these two in real life examples would be amazing since this class is all about freedom of speech, and freedom to speak in a college class. However I think there needs to be a balance between what is said and what is not, for instance if a student is from the north, we should respect their values and religion as one would be from the south. Even if we are in a college in the soul.

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