Saturday, September 10, 2022

Blog 2

        Video sources and Q and A: 

    In media law and literacy we learn a lot about the supreme court. However, In this blog post, I learned a lot from videos Part one, and part two about the supreme court that I did not know. I also found important take away points from the supreme court which turned out to be pretty surprising changes in the way I thought the supreme court was originally laid out.


Video One:

What did you learn about the supreme court that you did not know already?

In video one I learned some things in the Supreme court I did not know already. What I learned was that people in the supreme court do not actually do work till you forget you are there. What I also did not know was the 14th amendment was known as the second bill of rights. I did not know these two things about the supreme court because one, I do not work there so when he said that I found that super interesting coming from a court house member, and two I found the 14th amendment being like the bill of rights something I didn't know because I did not know that the 14th amendment has similar duties as the bill of rights. They are total opposites.

What is the most important take-away point about the Supreme Court?

When watching video one I found out that the most important take-away points about the supreme court was that “we do not have the constitution written in 1787 or 1791 when the bill of rights was added” Ruth Bader Ginsburg “we have the post civil war amendments, we have the 19th amendment” I found this quote super important due to the fact she was right, not a lot of people could vote back than and the supreme court was racist due to slaves, so they had that in their minds.

What was the most surprising thing you learned?

The most surprising thing I learned in the video was that the Supreme Court gets 7,000 or more cases a year and the supreme court had individual people to work on those cases. Justice branay said “We do our own work” I found that surprising since I thought they just left tose cases and threw it in the trash since you hear the stories of prisoners found innocent and write letter to court and hear nothing back. Then they continued discussing that this is not true that they do read those cases. I also found surprising was when they were talking abt a argumentative discussion they said the justice group discussing what the issue is then everyone says what they think. 

How did the video change the way you thought of the Supreme Court?

By watching this video, it has changed the way how I view the supreme court due to the fact that they are people just like us. The supreme court is run by very intelligent individuals carefully selected by similar minds. I did think there was some people who do not know what they were doing once selected for this job, but when watching this video I found very intellectual minds .

Video two: 

What did you learn about the supreme court that you did not know already?

In video two I learned some things in the Supreme court I did not know already, like one, when speaking to the supreme court  “you should try and alisit whats in the speakers mind rather than sticking to a prepared spiel” I agree with Ruth that you should say what is on your mind rather then what is scripten, when talking to the supreme court, “Have a great opening sentence”. Another thing I learned in this video is.  

What is the most important take-away point about the Supreme Court?

When watching video one I found out that the most important take-away points about the supreme court was that Burt Neuborn said “you are arguing in front of a corprit group, and they all have their own ideas and they ask you questions and they use you as a post office box all in thirty minutes” This to me is super important as someone who wants to be a politician must understand this quote from him. 

What was the most surprising thing you learned?

The most surprising thing I learned in the video was that the Supreme Court has a justice person who reviews the case decided. This can take weeks in time up to 4 and I think thats long based on if the people in the case are in prison and awaiting trial. I think that should be shortened so that the people waiting trial can be released faster, if found non guilt. 

How did the video change the way you thought of the Supreme Court?

By watching this video, it has changed the way I view the supreme court due to the fact that there is a very detailed structure in how the system works

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